
dimecres, 17 de juny del 2015

The core features of CLIL and the importance of including in the teaching the ICT in CLIL methodology.

People need to speak to communicate and to understand everything around them. The CLIL is precisely the integration of many of these features into one's teaching repertoire, which presents a challenge to teachers.
There are different ways to apply the CLIL in the teaching repertoire such as multiple focus which could be supporting language learning in content and  in language classes, integrating several subjects, organizing learning through cross-curricular themes and projects, supporting reflection on the learning process (cognition). Other is to promote a safe and enriching learning environment or displaying language and content throughout the classroom, such as the math corner, the science corner and so on. Guiding access to authentic learning materials and environments and increasing student language awareness.

The authenticity about this way to learn and teach letting the students ask for the language help they need, maximizing the accommodation of student interests in the selection of the topics, tasks... Students make a regular connection between learning and the students' lives and connect with other speakers of the CLIL language participating in Comenius projects. They can use current materials from the media and other interactional sources combining them  with their own knowledge. The CLIL is an active learning because students communicate more than  teachers. They help setting the content, the language and the learning skills outcomes. The pupils evaluate the progress they have achieved, favoring peer co-operative work, negotiating the meaning of language and so on.

One example this methodology is the ICT. It is very important and useful in education, because we live in a technological society and the school must adapt it to social progress.

So this is important to link of ICT in the learning progress of students, because ICT is motivating resource to learn and understand all contents studied or worked in school. The CLIL is a very practical knowledge, because it needs a continuous process to acquire a good language proficiency, learning skills and so on. Thus, is better link of ICT in CLIL methodology, because I think that helps to make learning meaningful through websites, where you can practice different interactive activities,  shared different content or ideas with other educational community. This brings new opportunities for learning into our world.

ICT has some advantages above the traditional books or other resources, because nowadays teachers can do and create different activities adapted to our pupils' necessities or work specific content depending on the project topic. We could do materials to develop cultural awareness.. Using ICT to teach CLIL is a more enjoyable and engaging way to motivate students about some topics and enhance the pleasure of culture and learning in the world.

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