
dimecres, 17 de juny del 2015

How can we link language learning and communicative competence with Bloom's thinking skills?

The communicate competence is necessary to work in school through language learning, because people need to express and communicate their feeling, thinking, ideas, wishes…
Thus, we keep relationship with people. It is a primary need for human being. Perhaps for this, it is so important to link language learning and communicative competence with Bloom's thinking skills in teaching educational system in  our schools.

Education and society is very changeable. Nowadays, we can find out many things searching them on internet because we live in a  technological age. For this, teachers, caregivers and  parents must help and lead their children  teaching  everything that is  around them, but we should do it experimenting, comparing, classifying, structuring, inventing and so on. 

That is to say, according to Boom's methodology " Higher order thinking skills",  helps pupils to understand and sort out all the knowledge they acquire. This theory is very useful in achieving meaningful learning. To apply the Bloom's taxonomy teachers must work and propose a lot of variety activities to foster critical thinking of students.

For example, If we are teaching the words ´pronunciation, we can realize an activity where we work different pronunciations letters and then we ask them to choose a picture with each letter they listen to. This way, we will improve our pupils ´skills, because students work different strategies to acquire a meaningful learning. Following the six levels of Bloom's taxonomy which are remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating.

This way, students can also organize social gatherings, where they exchange feelings, expressions, words and promote linguistic understanding. Making a significant learning of the learning we promote and encourage critical thinking and better understanding.
However, freedom of learning should be guided by an adult to encourage and maintain knowledge, because otherwise the educational system will fail  and everybody must learn the minimum established in the curriculum.

 Finally, I believe that the class´ environment must be a motivating place for learners to express their views and enhance their abilities with  the practice without fear of being intimidated, but with fairness, tolerance, dialog, active participation and respect for each other's opinion, they gain new expressions, words and...

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