
dimecres, 17 de juny del 2015

f were not limited by the demands of the national/regional curriculum,what would you say is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU WOULD TEACH YOUR STUDENTS ABOUT YOUR SUBJECT(in a CLIL)

If I were not limited by the requirements of national / regional curriculum, I would teach my students other aspects that I consider essential in my classroom (in a CLIL context). For example, I would like my students to have more time to play freely and less time to do worksheets while sitting on a chair, but the reality is different. Personally, I am a kindergarten teacher and in this level we work under a globalizing approach. For this, We don't work with subjects, we work on content areas.
 From my point of view, it is essential to respect the spontaneity of children because in many cases there are restrictions of many hours doing activities led by the teacher. Also, I'd do less equal work and choose more for difference and naturalness. I apply an active and motivating methodology, because children learn so much easier and fun all the content. I use the game as an essential resource in my classes. But sometimes in many cases, this would be difficult, just because you need to follow a guideline for achieving contents and parents will be informed quarterly.
Now, I am going to talk about how the teacher would assess their learning. First, I would say that teachers should identify the conditions, prepare different types of tasks and use of different tools in order to properly evaluate and reflect all objectives in one unit. To do this, an evaluation must have the following characteristics: it is diagnostic, formative and summative. It should be done before, during and after each activity, unit or lesson.
In my opinion, one of the most important things to evaluate success would be to familiarize students with the measures and criteria and try to do so through different types of (oral or written) assignments and responsibility for their own assessment. As you know, language is an essential aspect of a learning process. Therefore, all content related to it should be appropriately assessed (for a real purpose in a real context). It is essential to know that we must evaluate both students and ourselves as teachers. If we share our assessment criteria with students help them more easily achieve the goals.

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